Ten Commandments
of Marketing

Every good consulting practice has a ethos that guides their business. We’re no different. These are the values that guide our marketing practice.
We avoid conflict of interest. We represent only one seller per industry in a particular marketplace. We never take on direct competitors in the same market. We do everything we can to empower the seller we represent with the best available strategies to dominate their market.
We are guided by moral principles that exhibit good judgement and character and do everything in our abilities to ensure this.
As a firm that markets and advertises products and services on behalf of our clients, we promise not to falsely advertise or make exaggerated claims in any of our advertising or marketing pieces we create.
In everything we do it is our intention for the design of our service offerings to employ attractive design principles that communicate effectively and have balance and generous white space.
Because great ideas come from anyone, anywhere and at any time – we intend to be open to ideas no matter the source.
We know the value of a dollar and look at our marketing services as an investment. Therefore, it is our intent to maximize the return on your investment that you spend with us.
We plan to always keep abreast with marketing knowledge, tactics and know-how through regular research and study. Even though we can’t be everything, everywhere and at every place, we intend to be the best we can be for our clients.
We will always act in your best interest.
Creativity will always guide our work, because it is a differentiator, which is a major component of branding success.
The day we stop being passionate about your marketing is the day we hang our hat up. Passion is what drives the best marketing for the best companies.
At the Holy Grail of Marketing, you are getting access to cutting edge marketing consultancy services that many companies pay a king’s ransom to access through expensive agencies and inflated marketing departments. We are a seasoned marketing firm that has clocked tens of thousands of hours handling our client’s marketing needs. With experience comes a natural tendency to arrive at solutions at a much faster rate than less seasoned consulting firms. Contact us today and we will arrive at a marketing plan that goes beyond your expectations of what you think can be accomplished in marketing.